What we offer

Get acquainted step by step with the development trends and the production of a magnetic circuit for high-voltage transformers.
We will show you how the coils of low and high windings are wound and how the inner part of the transformer, which we call the active part, is finally assembled from all manufactured parts. It is normally hidden from your view, as it is immersed in a hermetically sealed vessel in oil.

EET Building of the Moravian-Silesian Region 2021
On 22.9.2022 in Ostrava at the announcement of the Building of the Moravian-Silesian Region 2021 we won the Main Prize […]
Elpro-Energo Transformers: A healthy environment for employees
We're famous. On October 26, 2021, Polar TV aired a 5-minute piece about our factory in their Eco Magazine. This […]
High-voltage winding machine No. 2
On February 12, 2021, another high-voltage winding machine from the BR company was added to our family. We were already […]